COVID-19 Online Risk Assessment Tool

Your health is important to us. Completing the assessment form below is a simple and important first step to see if you meet the current case definition for COVID-19. If you have any other medical related concerns whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to contact your local General Practitioner (GP).

    Items marked with (*) is required

    Patient Identification

    Clinical Criteria

    During the last 14 days, have you had, or do you currently experience any of the following symptoms:

    1. Dry cough? *

    2. Shortness of breath? *

    3. Sore throat? *

    4. Chills and/or high fever (37.5°C or more) *

    5. Diarrhoea and/or vomiting? *

    6. Loss of taste and/or smell? *

    7. Chest pain? *

    8. Body aches and/or physical weakness? *

    9. Headaches? *

    Travel History

    During the last 14 days, have you:

    10. Travelled outside of Namibia? *

    11. Had any contact with someone who is ill and travelled outside of Namibia? *

    Patient Exposure

    During the last 14 days, have you had any contact with someone who has:

    12. Tested positive for COVID-19? *

    13. Severe respiratory tract infection (shortness of breath, severe coughing, etc.)? *

    COVID-19 Healthcare Facility Exposure

    During the last 14 days, have you:

    14. Worked in a healthcare facility where COVID-19 patients are being treated? *