What Is Spina Bifida
And How To Prevent It
And How To Prevent It
It’s every mother-to-be’s greatest fear, discovering that the baby she is carrying has a congenital disability or birth defect. You no doubt have big dreams for your little one, but sometimes things don’t work out as you’d planned.
In Namibia alone, it’s estimated that out of every thousand babies born, 53 are born with a birth defect. But what are congenital disabilities, and can they be prevented? Here’s everything you need to know about congenital disabilities, how to avoid them, and, more specifically, how to prevent Spina Bifida, a common birth defect in Namibia.
Use the quick links to jump ahead
What is a birth defect?When do birth defects occur in pregnancy?
What is Spina Bifida?
What are the main causes of Spina Bifida?
Six ways to prevent spinal cord birth defects.
When does Welwitschia screen for Spina Bifida? What is involved?
If a foetus is diagnosed with a congenital disability, what are the next steps?
When should you see your doctor?
What is a birth defect?
A congenital disability, also known as a birth defect, is a problem that occurs while a baby is developing inside the uterus. It can result in physical and mental abnormalities, some of which are minor and others severe.
When do birth defects occur in pregnancy?
Most congenital disabilities occur in the first three months of pregnancy. That’s not to say that birth defects don’t happen in the second and third trimester, they do. But in the case of Spina Bifida, it occurs in the first few weeks of pregnancy. But what is Spina Bifida, and can it be prevented?
What is Spina Bifida?
Spina bifida is a neural tube defect, which basically means the spinal cord and the spine hasn’t developed properly. In most embryos, it’s fully formed by the 28th day of conception, but in some cases, part of the neural tube doesn’t close or develop. When this happens, it causes a defect in the spinal cord or the bones of the spine.
Like with any disability, the severity of Spina bifida can vary from mild to life-altering. It all depends on the location, size, if there are any complications and what type of defect the baby has.
There are three main types of Spina Bifida and symptoms:
- Spina bifida occulta is the most common form of the spinal defect. It’s also the mildest. Many people don’t even know they have it. The only way to tell is with an X-ray, it’ll show a small gap in the spine. Some people do have a small birthmark or a tuft of hair at the site of the defect. Luckily, it doesn’t typically cause any physical or mental disabilities.
- Meningocele is the rarest form of Spina Bifida. A small sac of spinal fluid pushes through an opening in the back of the baby. It can result in bladder or bowel issues.
- Myelomeningocele is the severest form of Spina Bifida. The baby’s spinal column is open in one or many places, and like with meningocele, a small sac of fluid protrudes from the baby’s back. But this sac contains part of the spinal cord and nerves and can be easily damaged. Surgery is necessary to correct it.
What are the main causes of Spina Bifida?
While the exact cause of Spina Bifida is not known, we’ve noticed certain commonalities between cases of babies born with the defect. It’s usually a combination of:
- Age (women over 35 years of age).
- Nutritional imbalances.
- Genes (a family history of genetic disorders or congenital disabilities).
- Unnatural things in our environment (pesticides, bacteria).
- Addictions (excessive alcohol consumption, taking drugs, or smoking).
- Pre-existing conditions like diabetes.
- Vitamin B-9 (folate) deficiency.
Having said this, it’s important to remember that all women are at risk of birthing a baby with a physical or mental defect. Also, having a perfectly healthy first pregnancy doesn’t lessen your chance of having a second baby with a birth defect.
But there are ways you can prevent congenital disabilities from occurring. Here’s how.
Six ways to prevent spinal cord birth defects.
It can be said that most of the suggestions below will help with the prevention of any congenital disability. So it’s critical that, where possible, If you’re trying to get pregnant or are already pregnant that you take care of your body.
Here are the six top ways to prevent Spina Bifida:
1. Take your prenatal vitamins and folic acid
A lot of research has been done around taking prenatal vitamins, and it’s believed that folic acid can help to prevent defects of the brain and spine. So if you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s vital that you begin taking 400 micrograms of folic acid every day and continue to take it throughout your pregnancy. You can purchase this supplement from most pharmacies.
If you’re not able to buy folic acid in vitamin form, there are foods enriched with folate (which is the natural form of folic acid) that you can eat. You’ll want to add enriched bread, pasta, rice, and some breakfast cereals to your shopping trolley.
2. Don’t drink alcohol, smoke, or take drugs during your pregnancy
It goes without saying that taking drugs, drinking excessively, and smoking is dangerous to your developing foetus and should be avoided at all costs.
Not only can inhibit the mental and physical development of your baby, but we know that many of these babies are born prematurely and underweight. There’s also an increased chance of your baby being born with foetal alcohol syndrome or stillborn.
3. Consult with your doctor about any medication you may be taking
Some medications can inhibit or alter fetal development, so all mothers-to-be must contact their doctors as soon as they discover they’re pregnant.
Contact Welwitschia Hospital on (+264) 64 218 911 to book an appointment or email hello@welwitschiahospital.com.
4. Avoid overheating or becoming dehydrated
Overheating is dangerous in pregnancy. If you are running a fever or live in an excessively warm climate, it’s essential that you keep your temperature as regular as possible. And make sure to call your doctor if you have any concerns.
5. Eat a healthy, balanced diet
Every pregnancy is different, and cravings are natural. But it’s vital to watch what you eat during your pregnancy. While weight gain is normal, you should focus on a healthy weight gain and speak to your doctor if you’re worried. Welwitschia doctors will monitor your weight gain during pregnancy, and if they may suggest adjustments to your diet.
Some good foods to eat during your pregnancy are avocados, milk, egg yolks, green vegetables like broccoli and spinach, beans and peas, and citrus fruits like oranges, pineapple, and naartjies.
While it’s not guaranteed that these foods prevent birth defects, they do give your baby the best start in life.
6. Make sure to attend all of your prenatal appointment
Early detection is crucial in resolving developmental issues. That’s why we encourage pregnant mothers to attend all of their antenatal appointments.
At each consultation, your doctor will suggest when you should book your next appointment. Listen to their advice, as they have your and your baby’s best interest at heart.
When does Welwitschia screen for Spina Bifida? What is involved?
There are three ways to test for Spina Bifida.
- Blood tests
- Ultrasound
- Amniocentesis
While Spina Bifida can be screened for with a blood test (sample taking from the mother), the most accurate way to test for it is a foetal ultrasound. This is typically performed between 11 and 14 weeks in the first trimester, and 18 to 22 weeks in the second trimester.
The most accurate diagnosis is made with a screening in the second trimester, which is why it is vital to attend a prenatal ultrasound.
If the doctor positively diagnoses the fetus with Spina Bifida, they will recommend an amniocentesis. A needle is inserted into the fluid of the amniotic sac to remove a sample. There are risks associated with performing this test. Consult your doctor before agreeing to the test.
Understand that there have been babies who were positively diagnosed with Spina Bifida and born without the defect. There’ve also been babies incorrectly diagnosed, so while the tests are essential, they’re not always perfect.
If a foetus is diagnosed with a congenital disability, what are the next steps?
If your unborn baby is diagnosed with Spina Bifida, your Welwitschia doctor may prescribe a variety of treatments depending on the severity of the spinal defect.
In some cases, they may advise that surgery is necessary, particularly if the baby will be born with open spina bifida or myelomeningocele. The surgery will help to close up the spinal cord and is performed during pregnancy.
These cases do tend to have more health issues and often require additional treatment. Your doctor will be there for you every step of the way, so don’t be afraid to talk to them.
When should you see your doctor?
If you suspect that you are pregnant or have taken an over-the-counter pregnancy test and received a positive result, it’s important to book your first consultation with an obstetrician gynaecologist as early as possible.
Welwitschia Hospital Gynaecologists usually see patients from six weeks into their pregnancy. This is six weeks since your last period.
To book an appointment contact us here, call (+264) 64 218 911 or email hello@welwitschiahospital.com.
- Neweralive.na
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